Create a transfer table for a set of origins and destinations

  d_limit = Inf,
  min_time = 120,



A data.table object containing the origin locations of the transfer trips. See details.


A data.table object containing the destination locations of the transfer trips. See details.


The street network as an object of class sfnetworks, dodgr_streetnet or dodgr_streetnet_sc.


Upper distance limit (as-the-crow-flies) in meters to consider a possible transfer between an origin and a destination.


Minimum travel time for any transfer trip in seconds, independent of the calculated travel time by the routing algorithm.


Additional parameters passed on to streetnet_traveltimes(). When parameter streetnet is of class sfnetworks, these include the time_column and weight_column parameters. See streetnet_traveltimes() for details.


Both origins and destinations should be given in the format of a stops table of a GTFS feed.

The format of a transfer table can be used to model both true transit transfer trips as well as access, direct and egress trips:

  • When modelling access trips, the origins will be grid points and the destinations transit stop locations.

  • When modelling egress trips the origins will be transit stop locations and the destinations grid points.

  • When modelling direct trips both origins and destinations will be grid points.

  • When modelling true transit transfer trips, both origins and destinations will be transit stop locations.