Construction |
Create a multinet object from a list of data tables |
Add a grid table to a GTFS feed |
Add an access table to a GTFS feed |
Add a direct table to a GTFS feed |
Add an egress table to a GTFS feed |
Add a transfer table to a GTFS feed |
Build a routable graph from a set of linestrings |
Create a grid table for a reference grid |
Create a transfer table for a set of origins and destinations |
Create a rectangular spatial extent for the analysis |
Create a reference grid over the spatial extent of the analysis |
Write travel times as attributes to a grid |
Import and export |
Import a grid from a GeoTIFF file |
Import a GTFS-Multi feed from a zip archive |
Import streets from an OpenStreetMap extract |
Import a regular GTFS feed from a zip archive |
Write a grid to disk |
Write a GTFS-Multi feed to disk |
Assert a GTFS feed is a valid GTFS-Multi feed |
Convert a GTFS-Multi feed to a regular GTFS feed |
Default highway types to be included in OpenStreetMap street import |
Default tags to be included as columns in OpenStreetMap street import |
Routing |
Calculate travel times from a single origin to all destinations |
Calculate travel times on a street network |
Utils |
Mask the reference grid by a spatial vector layer |
Reduce multiple travel times to a set of percentile values |
Select neighbouring locations of a given origin |
Find the nearest neighbour to a given origin |
Pair origins with destinations |
Example data |
GTFS-Multi feed for the city centre of Tampere, Finland |