Convert a GTFS-Multi feed to a regular GTFS feed

  access_modes = NULL,
  direct_modes = NULL,
  egress_modes = NULL,
  transfer_modes = NULL,
  access_model = "transfers",
  direct_model = "transfers",
  egress_model = "transfers",
  access_frequency = 60,
  direct_frequency = 60,
  egress_frequency = 60,
  time_as_seconds = FALSE



An object of class multinet, which is a list of multiple data.table objects corresponding to the different dataset files of a GTFS-Multi feed.


Vector of transport modes to consider for access trips, i.e. trips from grid points towards transit stop locations. Each of these transport modes should have their access travel time for each access trip specified in the access table of x, in a column named transfer_time_<mode>. If NULL, all modes that have such a column in the access table are considered. Defaults to NULL.


Vector of transport modes to consider for direct trips, i.e. trips between grid points. Each of these transport modes should have their direct travel time for each direct trip specified in the direct table of x, in a column named transfer_time_<mode>. If NULL, all modes that have such a column in the direct table are considered. Defaults to NULL.


Vector of transport modes to consider for egress trips, i.e. trips from transit stop locations towards grid points. Each of these transport modes should have their egress travel time for each egress trip specified in the egress table of x, in a column named transfer_time_<mode>. If NULL, all modes that have such a column in the egress table are considered. Defaults to NULL.


Vector of transport modes to consider for true transit transfer trips, i.e. trips between transit stop locations. Each of these transport modes should have their transfer travel time for each transfer trip specified in the transfer table of x, in a column named transfer_time_<mode>. If NULL, all modes that have such a column in the transfer table are considered. Defaults to NULL.


How to model access trips, i.e. trips from grid points towards transit stop locations. Can either be "transfers" to model them as if they where transfers between transit stops or "trips" to model them as if they where regular transit trips departing at a certain frequency. This frequency is given in the access_frequency parameter. May also be "ignore" to not include them at all in the GTFS feed.


How to model direct trips, i.e. trips between grid points. Can either be "transfers" to model them as if they where transfers between transit stops or "trips" to model them as if they where regular transit trips departing at a certain frequency. This frequency is given in the direct_frequency parameter. May also be "ignore" to not include them at all in the GTFS feed.


How to model egress trips, i.e. trips from transit stop locations towards grid points. Can either be "transfers" to model them as if they where transfers between transit stops or "trips" to model them as if they where regular transit trips departing at a certain frequency. This frequency is given in the egress_frequency parameter. May also be "ignore" to not include them at all in the GTFS feed.


If access trips should be modelled as frequency-based transit trips (i.e. if access_model = "trips"), at what frequency should these trips operate? Value should be given in seconds. Smaller values will provide more accurate results, since access trips can in reality be started at anytime, but also increase processing time. Defaults to 60, i.e. every minute.


If direct trips should be modelled as frequency-based transit trips (i.e. if direct_model = "trips"), at what frequency should these trips operate? Value should be given in seconds. Smaller values will provide more accurate results, since direct trips can in reality be started at anytime, but also increase processing time. Defaults to 60, i.e. every minute.


If egress trips should be modelled as frequency-based transit trips (i.e. if egress_model = "trips"), at what frequency should these trips operate? Value should be given in seconds. Smaller values will provide more accurate results, since egress trips can in reality be started at anytime, but also increase processing time. Defaults to 60, i.e. every minute.


Should arrival and departure times be stored as seconds since midnight? If FALSE, they are stored as regular time strings in format "h:m:s". Defaults to FALSE.


An object of class gtfs, which is a list of multiple data.table objects corresponding to the different dataset files of a GTFS feed.